Xun Zhao

I am a Ph.D. student at Southeast University in Nanjing , China, where I work on fault diagnosis, computer vision, and machine learning. Now, I am a visiting PhD student at the Computer Vision Research Group , University of Amsterdam, under the supervision of Dr. Shaodi You.

During my Master's degree, I worked on pipeline corrosion detection based on infrared images. I did my Ph.D. at Southeast University, where I was advised by FeiyunXu and funded by the Postgraduate Research & Practice Innovation Program of Jiangsu Province. I've received some awards in competitions and nationally.

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I'm interested in computer vision, machine learning, fault detection, and image processing. Much of my research is about road fault detection based on visual and infrared images.


I usually enjoy travel photography as well as Lego, here are some of the photos I have taken.

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